Feb 5, 2012

Ultimate Beauty Must Have? Vaseline!

Hey Everyone! By the title of this post you can tell its about one product I would never be able to live without! If you do not own a tub of Vaseline or petroleum jelly, I recommend it 100%! And it is cheap and easy to get anywhere! So what exactly do I use Vaseline for?
 -I love using Vaseline at night over my usual ChapStick or lip balm on my really dry areas because by the next morning, soft smooth, hydrated lips!
-After I take off my mascara, I like to dip my finger into the Vaseline and lightly apply it to all of my lashes. It will prevent breakage, stimulate growth, and darken them. It also leaves them really soft and makes them perfect for applying mascara easily the next day.
-Putting this on my feet (or body butter) before I go to sleep and slipping some fuzzy socks over them leaves them so smooth!
-Applying it to my elbows every night leaves them dry skin free for the next day! (The reason I like to apply it at night is because it works better than most body butters but I don’t want to smell like Vaseline or petroleum jelly all day so thats why I apply it at night!)
-I love mixing it with sea salts or sugars to make a scrub!
-I am refraining from buying a brow jell because I can just use Vaseline!

A tub of Vaseline or petroleum jelly lasts forever! Its worth every penny!

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